How does it work?
Working principle of the trap:
Pheromones released by moths have a primary role in the communication between the individuals that are harmful to orchards, vineyards and to our environment. One of the most important ones is the sexual pheromone released by female insects in mating periods, which attracts males of the same species from distance. This luring effect is very strong and extraordinarily selective, i.e. other species do not sense this fragrance.
Pheromone based REAGRON® insect traps contain small amounts of synthetic bait, that are typical to particular species, on a rubber dispenser. With its slow evaporation it lures very selectively the male individuals of the particular species in a 6 weeks period. They stick into the gluey surface, therefore their swarming and its strength is clearly traceable.

How to apply the traps at observation and protection?
It is recommended to place the traps in accordance with the instructions in the box, at least two weeks before the start of swarming of the target species (which depends on the weather). At most of the species in Central-Europe this time is the second half of April. Replace the dispensers and the sticky boards as necessary in every 6 weeks. Keep the traps amongst your plants and check them once or twice a week. The grid printed on to the sticky board helps counting the pests.
Hang the traps to 1.5-2.5 m height on the side of the dominant wind direction in the area, not in slipstream, preferably to shadowy places, not necessarily on to the targeted plant. If more traps are used, do not place them closer than 5 m of each other. For the observation of swarming place 1-2 traps per species in smaller gardens, and place 2-4 traps per hectare, ca. 50-70 m of each other on larger fields.
Mass swarming is expected to start 1-3 weeks after capturing the first few male moths. Mass hatching of caterpillars is due 1-2 weeks after peak swarming. These two times are the optimal for chemical protection, which is efficient and not wasted. Chemical spraying at other times only pollute our environment. In case of smaller infection it is possible to reduce the damage by mass capturing of the pests and chemical protection may be skipped. It is possible to reach this situation if this pheromone trap based protection is used on the same area for years, so the local population of pests can significantly be reduced.
Parts of the trap and assembly:

REAGRON® pheromone insect traps are available in two pack-sizes. The basic kit contains 1 roof per box, the active sticky board containing the bait, or the sticky bait and the dispenser, a hanger (plastic hanging bracket on the branches and/or wire for fixing it on to the cordon), protective gloves and instruction manual. Full season kits consider the seasonal swarming of the targeted pest, so these include 1 piece of roof, and 2-3 pieces of the accessories which is enough for the swarming observation and capturing the particular pest in the whole season.
Further dispensers and sticky boards are separately available for order.
Assemble the trap by pulling the wire through the two holes located along the midline of the roof (a plastic board holed at its four corners), or pull the hanger through the opening. Open up the sticky board without touching the gluey part of it. If the trap does not have the active sticky board in it, then take the dispenser out of the high barrier packaging by wearing protective gloves, and place it to the centre of the adhesive board by laying it on to the flat surface. Push the brackets of the bottom side adhesive board through the corresponding openings of the roof in a way that the backbone of the bottom part and the roof align perpendicularly to each other, as shown in the illustration. Firmly mount the trap on a branch or at an appropriate location in the garden in accordance with the instructions. Wash your hands thoroughly after the assembly.
Should you place several different traps for observing different pests, never touch the dispenser and the adhesive surface without gloves. Discard the protective gloves after use, thoroughly wash your hands, otherwise the trap may lose its selectivity due to cross-contamination.
Safety warnings:
All constituents of the trap are free of poisonous materials, they consist of materials that dissolve into particles non-hazardous to the environment, and can be disposed into municipal waste. Keep out of the reach of children.